Saturday, 10 June 2017

A Festival Guide: Oppi Koppi Music Festival

Third day at Oppi Koppi 2015 
I always get the warm and fuzzies when I think of Oppi Koppi. I think of the dust, the people, the warm sun on my back as I sip a cold beer and listen to a new local band at one of the stages. I think longingly of the cold evenings around the campfire, the smell of braais and burning wood and hearing one excited guy scream "Oppi" while the inevitable echo of "Koppi" is heard in the distance. I think of the lantern lights illuminating the straw-covered grounds, of the palpable excitement of the crowd just before the main band takes to the stage and I think of all the strangers that have become best friends in one moment. 

Oppi Koppi is one of South Africa's greatest and most loved weekend music festivals which goes down in August every year in Northam, Limpopo.  This year, they have changed  things up and moved it to October. If you are going - highfive! - be prepared to have a rad and dirrrrty time.  

As I have been to Oppi four or five times, I thought I'd put together a list of tips for the newbies, or for those of you who just love a good list ;) 

1. Just be Lekker, don't be a douche. Everyone is at Oppi to have a great time. It's about making friends with strangers. Offer a "Tjop" and a "dop" to a straggler who can't find their camp. Leave your bad attitudes and any prejudices at home. In fact lose them altogether. This should be a rule for life. 

2. Make sure to camp with a great group of friends. It makes a big difference! 
Oppi Koppi 2015 - Our camping buddies

3. Bring dry ice. This ensures cold beers and warm hearts all weekend long. 

4. Northam gets sweltering hot during the day and pretty chilly at night. Make sure you pack accordingly. Bring a big extra cosy, chunky-knit jersey and enough blankets for the evening. Find a friend to cuddle. Don't forget to pack thick socks. My first Oppi was quite intense because I did not bring enough socks or blankets and despite consuming copious amounts of sherry, I was freezing at 3am. 

5. There are food stalls at Oppi, but it is always nice to braai at your camp with all of your mates. Just be careful about how you store your meat and make sure you cook it properly so no one gets food poisoning. My first Oppi was a bit ridiculous because the people I camped with were so drunk that no one really got around to braai-ing. If that sounds like your friends, then make sure you put enough cash on your Oppi Card (it's a cashless event) and grab some grub from the stalls near the stages. Remember to bring some snacks to keep the hangry monster at bay.  My fave go-to Oppi snacks are biscuits, steri stumpis, apples, nuts and dried fruit. 

6. Bring enough H20. Bring about 5 litres of water per day per person. You will need this to keep hydrated, to brush your teeth and wash your face, clean etc.  Also, bring an empty plastic bottle to put your favourite cocktail in to take to the stages. 

7. Grab some free coffee and pancakes at the Red Frogs tent.  

8. Don't peak too soon. I have seen way too many people who wake up and start hitting the tequila first thing in the morning. Ease your way into it, make sure you eat something and keep hydrated so that you aren't that person sleeping in their tent at 5pm missing all the best bands. 

9. Don't be afraid to get creative with your fashion choices. Express yourself because if there is anywhere that you can get away with ALL the glitter, big faux fur coats, lumo t-shirts and ridiculous hair, it is Oppi. My suggestion would be to stay away from wearing heels and to avoid bringing your favourite designer jacket because chances of it getting dirty, damaged or lost are high. Wearing white is also not recommended because it won't be white for long. I personally love my gumboots. They protect my feet from the hot sand, dirt, thorns and stones. There are a few thorn bushes around so gumboots are quite commonly seen. 

10. Decorate your campsite. It will help you locate your tent in the dark and believe me you will get lost. BUT Don't be afraid to get lost as it is truly part of the experience. Please make sure you have a friend with you. The festival is generally safe and I haven't heard any bad stories, but rather be safe than sorry. 

11. Print out a few copies of the band schedule. Hand some out to your camp buddies and keep one in your bag. But also make sure to wander around the stages aimlessly, you will definitely discover a new favourite band that way. 

12. Set up an established meeting point with your friends for when you get separated. 

13. Leave very early on the last day of Oppi. Everyone tries to leave on the Sunday at about the same time and it is not fun sitting in bumper to bumper traffic for hours on the way home. Wake up earlier, leave earlier, have thee best shower of your life when you get home and spend the rest of your day recovering on your couch.

14. Oppi Koppi is dusty AF. Be prepared to get dirty. I promise it will be okay. Everyone else is dirty too. There are cold showers near the stages but be prepared to stand in a long queue and be covered in dust as soon as you step out again. Here are some tips for my fellow girly-girls that still want to look decent: 

  •  Learn the art of the wet wipe shower i.e. stand in your tent and wipe yourself down from head to toe with wet wipes. Wet wipes are your friend. 
  • Bring a bucket and lots of water so that you can wash your face and brush your teeth properly
  • Dry shampoo is life. I usually buy a big and a small bottle of Batiste Dry Shampoo from Clicks or Dischem. There are a few scents to choose from and the small bottle fits nicely in your bag so if you are by the stages the whole day, you can quickly freshen up. 
  • Opt to get your eyelashes tinted before Oppi. It will make your eyes pop sans mascara that may or may not run down your face by the end of the day. 
  • Do not opt for acrylic or fake nails for Oppi. They will break, chip and inevitably get really dirty which is pretty gross. Rather go for a dark gel polish that won't chip or show how dirty your nails inevitably are.
  • Carry hand sanitizer around. Your hands will get dirty. You will not die. But for hygiene purposes, it may be nice to ensure your hands are clean before tucking into that Boerie Roll. 
15. Put a lock on your tent. Mostly to avoid people from taking your stuff but also to ensure that you don't find Vrot Frikkie from 3 camps down passed out in your tent. 

16. There are tented hotel options at Oppi Koppi, if camping with the plebians in what is known as "Mordor" is too hardcore for you. I stayed in the Windhoek Klein Hotel last year because I was all like "I'm too old for this sh*t" and it was lovely. But the vibe is not the same as Mordor and if this is your first Oppi, I really recommend skipping the tented options. Be adventurous!

18. If you decide to rough it in Mordor, bring a camping chair. Sitting on the floor is just not ayoba. I'd also recommend bringing a gazebo or big umbrella (or your big friend "Tiny") to create shade at your camp when the hot sun is hitting during the day. If you have one of the aforementioned items, definitely bring one 

19. Don't bring those blow up mattresses. Someone will forget the pump/ it will deflate on the first night and you will end up sleeping on the ground. Rather bring a fold up mattress. It will take up more space in the car but be infinitely more comfortable. 

20. Have fun. Let loose. Make friends. 

What are your tips and tricks for Oppi? 

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