I made the transition from blonde to brunette this past weekend!
I just could not commit to brunette completely so there are still some blonde highlights. Overall I am super happy with the way it turned out.
I think I needed the change. I was feeling quite down recently because I have opted to work through December so that I can take my leave in March.
We have a really exciting adventure planned which I can't wait to write all about!
It has been really difficult seeing friends' posts on social media with daily countdowns to their trips to exotic places.
And just when I put my phone down with a sigh and head to the office kitchen to soothe my pain with copious
amounts of caffeine, I tend to overhear colleagues chatting about their plans to sleep in and spend quality time with family over the festive season.
I think the hair colour change is just the pick-me-up I needed.
What are your go-to pick me ups?
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